The photographer

He forcibly spread her legs again and take several pictures of her caned hole before letting her drop heavily onto the table. “Whew, I need to get an assistant to do some of this, don’t you think?”
“Anyway, that wasn’t too bad,was it?” He laughed and leaned forward, “I told you we were pretty much down. No more marks on your ass, okay?”
The woman sighed and nodded; a muffled thank you came from behind her gag.
Forny stood and cocked his camera in his hand again. “All we need now … is to do the same thing to your tits and pussy!”
Her scream dulled the hiss and snap of the cane as it bit into her unsuspecting tits – eight, ten, fifteen times. She writhed in agony and Forny’s camera whirred into action. In just seconds he reduced her ample breasts into a mass of welted tit-flesh. Several blows had striped her left nipple and left it swelling and purple. Her right nipples was soon equally battered, and still the camera clicked and whirred.