Slavegirls in an oriental world

Youcef liked this woman. She was primitive like a cave dweller and she had a mouth that looked hungry for cock. She was agile and she didn’t mind being naked.
But Youcef wanted to know what she DIDN’T like, so he asked her. There was no reply.
“Kneel down and put your hands behind your head, bitch!”
He flogged her naked breasts with a bamboo cane until she told him.
“I don’t like touching myself if people are looking at me.”
“What else?”
“Kissing another woman.”
Youcef smiled. He organized a banquet for six male friends and one lesbian couple.
His Asian slave served the food and drink naked and when everyone had finished Youcef ordered her to stand on the table.
“Masturbate, slut! Show us how you do it! Legs wide apart now!”
She looked around nervously and then began. She stroked her nipples with one hand and pressed the base of her thumb and the ball of her hand on her cunt lips and moved them around. Soon she started swaying and her fingers found her clitoris. Then she went into hyper-drive with her hips.