The Matronalia festival had been raging in Rome for the past two days, and while most Romans spent their days paying tribute to the goddess Juno and honoring the women of their households, the Severanii family was honoring women in a much… different way.
“I think a woman’s beauty is most on display while tied up and helpless, wouldn’t you agree Praetor?” Senator Severanii said, gulping down a mouthful of rich red wine and casting his eyes over the naked slave girl in the middle of the room.
“Please… please, somebody help me!” Natonia begged, tears rolling down her cheeks and spilling onto her naked heaving tits. There were nearly twenty people in the room, all staring at her nakedness and licking their lips. Not only men either, but fat and old Roman women were staring at her with predatory eyes. Natonia couldn’t understand it, why were they doing this?
“Marcellus!” The Senator barked, summoning in a young Greek man who wore the tattoo of a slave on his arm.
“Yes master.”
“My guests and I are bored. Bring a cane and start adding stripes to this young girl’s ass at once!”
“With pleasure, master.” The Greek smiled.
“No! Please, I’ve done nothing wrong! Please don’t hurt me! What do you want from me!?” Natonia screamed, her eyes stinging with tears and heart pounding in her ears.

“Please, I’ve had enough… I can’t take it anymore! PLEASE!” Valaria groaned as she dragged into the dungeons of the Roman fort. Valaria had once been a proud Germanic warrior, but now she was another captive of the Roman Empire after her tribe was annihilated. Unfortunately for her, she’d killed a dozen Roman centurions before finally being subdu
“Please, it wasn’t my fault! I swear I didn’t know! Please! Please believe me!” Plescinia sobbed as she was dragged through the bloody sands toward the site of the previous night’s battle. Cum, blood and shit leaked from her anus from the brutal anal fucking she’d received from half the encampment, and her back was a mess of welts and bruises.
“This whore,” Governor Militant Flavius announced to the assembled troops, “used her rotting, filthy cunt to lure a Century of our best soldiers to their doom. She is a spy for the Parthian’s and she will crucified here, left as a reminder to all enemies of Rome, that treachery is punished most severely.”
“Pleeeeaassseee! Don’t do thisssssss!” Plescinia begged as she dragged, kicking and screaming, toward the ominous frame of the crucifix.
“Don’t worry girl.” One of the soldiers whispered in her ear. “We’ll let you down and bring you food and water tonight, and then you’ll thank us by fucking every one of our cocks until our balls are drained. Then back up on the cross you go!”