Forny laughed and stopped adjusting the harness straps tightly binding the next cosplay subject by De Haro


Forny made a last few adjustments and admired his work. “Very well, Gregory – you’ve certainly earned a new plaything. Dispose of the broken one properly, and then select one of the last two. We’ll prepare her to travel when we’re done.”

He then grabbed the pretty cosplayer by her jaw. “Well my lovely friend, I’ve decided on a sort of equestrian theme for this shoot … I’m calling it ‘Demon Ride.’ You’ll by restrained on all fours with reins and harness tackle. And Gregory and I will take turns riding you, using the reins to fuck you and fill you with cum.”

She whimpered in fear but was on all fours in no time, as Forny took the reins and clicked the remote control to start the cameras. He yanked hard on the reins, driving his dick deep inside the bucking cosplayer, as the cameras began to flash. He lurched his hips forward and shouted, “Giddy up bitch!”

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