Chinese torments

Lifen’s husband had been killed in an ambush in one of the remoter provinces and Lifen had been sent to the Palace. The intelligence services were always glad to have information about the more distant parts of the empire.
She was taken to the Emperor’s chief slave trainer. He examiner her teeth and felt her buttocks and biceps.
“Take her and clean her up. Let her rest for a week,” he said.
A week later Lifen was given a robe to wear and taken to the slave trainer. She was sobbing and frightened but she looked better.
“We will forget your past,” he said. “You are a slave now. You will work in the kitchen and we will see what information you can give us. We have no one from your province in the kitchen.”
Lifen looked surprised.
“I can cook,” she said
“Can you fuck?”
She nodded.
“Take your robe off.”
She obeyed.
The trainer looked at her critically.
“You look quite strong. You’ll need to be. The soldiers are hungry when they’ve been out for a year or two. Hungry for food and hungry for cunt.”