GQS – The curse of Isthar

Caestus was holding Claudia down onto the ground and never giving her a chance to get her breath back. He saw how angry his master was and he too was getting more violent. He clenched his fists and kept running his fingers nervously through his hair.
The Pharaoh Ptolemy smiled a grim smile as he stared down at Claudia’s terrible session of torture and abuse. But the more he thought about her stories of plots against him, the more he saw that they could be true. There’s no smoke without fire, he thought. Maybe there was something in her stories after all, he wondered, maybe some small grain of truth?
The sinister Soniemhej stood by, staring coldly down and waiting to intervene at any moment. He didn’t know why, but he wanted to punish this beautiful Roman woman. He wanted to fuck her too, like Caestus, but he knew that he couldn’t, and that made him angry and jealous and violent.