Black star inferno

Things looked bad, I had to admit, but I had not given up hope of the Harders locating me and rescuing me.
Two days later Doctor Pamel untied me. I looked up, not knowing what to expect.
“You need to practice the art of seduction, honey!” he said. “I’m going to take your cuffs off so you can put these stripper’s clothes on. Then I’ll cuff you again and you’re going to shake your great big tits and wobble your buttocks. Creek has a harem and the fashion is for exotic dancers!”
Then it happened. I was putting the stripper’s clothes on when there was an explosion and a blue light appeared in the tunnel behind Pamel. It was the Harders! A patrol had found me!
The doctor stood up…
“Who are you? What are you…?”
It was just a single shot through his monocle, but it was enough.
Before I knew what was happening Sergeant Borak put his hand through my crotch and lifted me. It felt good as he ran down the tunnel with me. I rubbed myself against his glove and went into orgasm again.