GQS – The curse of Isthar

“If you want to know the truth, you belong to me now! UGH! You’re part of the ludus and its slaves! UGH!”
“You’re a filthy liar, Cobra! Your forked tongue couldn’t speak the truth if it tried! I was a slave but I’m a free woman now! I was released! My husband released me when he married me!”
“Prove it!” the Cobra said. ”Where’s the document? Nobody’s seen it! It must have got lost in Rome!”
“No! The deeds were all presented in Alexandria! It was all done legally!”
“They were never presented, Rufia! If you look in the inventory of the ludus, you’ll find yourself there! You’re described as the principle slave! That’s the pleasure slave! Haha! You’re just a slut, a whore! And it’s giving me a lot of pleasure to fuck the pleasure slave, bitch! Take that! And that! And that!”