Chinese torments

The political leaders made these comfort stations available to them and when the soldiers were not on the field they paid these stations a visit.
These war hardened men did not go easy on these women, they acted like wild sex starved beasts and ravaged the women completely. They played vile games with them which involved a great deal of whipping and bounding, often leaving the women bruised. They used these women to fulfill their lurid imaginations. The comfort women were in constant pain as they were repeatedly defiled by the affection starved soldiers.
The Japanese soldiers unintentionally used the comfort women to debase Korea. They spread open the whore’s legs to signify the way they would want to penetrate Korea. Then, they drove hard into them. The Japanese military men dehumanized and showed no mercy to the women in the process of satisfying their sexual needs.
The soldiers held the whores down roughly and speared them with their thick hungry cock causing them to cry and scream in agony. They would take their breasts in a firm hold and mold it painfully. The numerous soldiers took turns violating the comfort women. Each woman had to “tend to” multiple soldiers who used them in the most disgusting ways.
No matter how worn out they were, they dare not refuse. If they dared to, they were subject to broken bones, whippings, cigarette burns and knife cuts.